nanushi hyakusho also had myoshu-shiki , which were the rights to dominate local lower-class people , such as hyakusho who owned little plow land , tenant farmers , and moto (new comers in a community ), and the myoshu-shiki was transferred by heredity . 名主百姓はさらに小百姓、小作人、間人(もうと)といった領内下層民に対する支配権である名主職を有し、これを世襲した。
during the genroku era life gradually became more extravagant so , people without kamon were offered the opportunity to have kamon; for example , lower-class people favored ' gosan no kiri ' according to the time-honored custom of hideyoshi toyotomi . 元禄時代に入ると、人々の生活は次第に華やかなものになっていき、家紋をもっていなかった人々も家紋を必要とする機会が生まれ、豊臣秀吉の吉例によって「五三の桐」紋が下層庶民に好まれた。
during the genroku era life gradually became more extravagant so , people without kamon were offered the opportunity to have kamon; for example , lower-class people favored ' gosan no kiri ' according to the time-honored custom of hideyoshi toyotomi . 元禄時代に入ると、人々の生活は次第に華やかなものになっていき、家紋をもっていなかった人々も家紋を必要とする機会が生まれ、豊臣秀吉の吉例によって「五三の桐」紋が下層庶民に好まれた。
when any change accompanied by legal effect occurred , the party submitted gejo (a form of letter used by lower-class people to make a suggestion to higher ranking people ) to kyoshiki (the capital bureau ) or kokushi (provincial governor ) (through gunji [local magistrates ], in many cases ), and it was given kohan (公判 ) by kyoshiki or kokushi to certify it as kugen . 法的効力の伴う変動の発生に際して当事者が解状を京職または国司(郡司を経由することが多い)提出し、京職・国司がこれに公判を加えることで公験として認められた。