lower-class people 意味

  • 下層階級{かそう かいきゅう}の人々{ひとびと}


  1. nanushi hyakusho also had myoshu-shiki , which were the rights to dominate local lower-class people , such as hyakusho who owned little plow land , tenant farmers , and moto (new comers in a community ), and the myoshu-shiki was transferred by heredity .
  2. during the genroku era life gradually became more extravagant so , people without kamon were offered the opportunity to have kamon; for example , lower-class people favored ' gosan no kiri ' according to the time-honored custom of hideyoshi toyotomi .
  3. during the genroku era life gradually became more extravagant so , people without kamon were offered the opportunity to have kamon; for example , lower-class people favored ' gosan no kiri ' according to the time-honored custom of hideyoshi toyotomi .
  4. when any change accompanied by legal effect occurred , the party submitted gejo (a form of letter used by lower-class people to make a suggestion to higher ranking people ) to kyoshiki (the capital bureau ) or kokushi (provincial governor ) (through gunji [local magistrates ], in many cases ), and it was given kohan (公判 ) by kyoshiki or kokushi to certify it as kugen .



  1. "lower-case letter" 意味
  2. "lower-case letters" 意味
  3. "lower-case word" 意味
  4. "lower-class" 意味
  5. "lower-class family" 意味
  6. "lower-cost alternative to" 意味
  7. "lower-crust extrusion" 意味
  8. "lower-deck cabin" 意味
  9. "lower-developed country" 意味
  10. "lower-class" 意味
  11. "lower-class family" 意味
  12. "lower-cost alternative to" 意味
  13. "lower-crust extrusion" 意味

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